
Why Choose Traceye Subgraphs for Your Graph Nodes

Deploy in Seconds:
Rapid node setup.

Enterprise-Grade Security:
Zero risks or attacks.

99.99% Uptime: High
availability guaranteed.

24/7 Monitoring: Real-time
alerts around the

Seamless Syncing:
Automatic chain re-org integration.

Unlimited Subgraphs &
Queries: No limits,


Boost Your Appchains and
Rollups with Premier Features

DeFi & Community Subgraphs

High-throughput Archive Node RPCs at
discounted price


Supercharge Your DeFi with
high-throughput Discounted Archive Node RPCs

Leverage our consulting services to Plan, Design, Develop and manage your Subgraphs.

Frequently asked questions about Subgraphs

Zeeve provides data indexing for Hyperledger Besu, Cosmos SDK, OP Stack, Substrate Parachain, Avalanche Subnets, Polygon CDK, and zkSync Hyperchains.
We support all major cloud services, including AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud, and Private Cloud, using a VM-based native orchestration approach.
Yes, Traceye provides comprehensive monitoring and analytics for subgraph nodes, enhancing uptime and efficiency with specific support for Subgraph parameters.
Bringing your own cloud (BYOC) is not currently supported. Traceye has partnerships with multiple data centres around the world to ensure reliable and fast service.

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the help of our Team of Experts.

Meet our world famous support team.
They are fast, they are smart, and they will
help you out any time

Start your Blockchain Project with
the help of our Team of Experts.

Meet our world famous support team.
They are fast, they are smart, and they will
help you out any time

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